The New World Religion for the New World Order


The NEW WORLD ORDER the elite are creating is not going to be atheistic and materialistic, in fact a new religion is planned to replace or merge with all old religions. This new religion is not new at all but as old as the beliefs of Freemasons. The NEW AGE SPIRITUALITY is going to be the religion for the people in the new world order. The New Age Spirituality is very close to the teachings of Hinduism and Buddhism.

What is the New Age.


The New Age movement is a Western spiritual movement that developed in the second half of the 20th century. Its central precepts have been described as “drawing on both Eastern and Western spiritual and metaphysical traditions and infusing them with influences from self-help and motivational psychology, holistic health, parapsychology, consciousness research and quantum physics”. The term New Age refers to the coming astrological Age of Aquarius.

The New Age aims to create “a spirituality without borders or confining dogmas” that is inclusive and pluralistic.It holds to “a holistic worldview”, emphasizing that the Mind, Body, and Spirit are interrelated and that there is a form of monism and unity throughout the universe. It attempts to create “a worldview that includes both science and spirituality” and embraces a number of forms of mainstream science as well as other forms of science that are considered fringe.
The origins of the movement can be found in Medieval astrology and alchemy, such as the writings of Paracelsus, in Renaissance interests in Hermeticism, in 18th century mysticism, such as that of Emanuel Swedenborg, and in beliefs in animal magnetism espoused by Franz Mesmer. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, authors such as Godfrey Higgins and the esotericists Eliphas Levi, Helena Blavatsky, and George Gurdjieff articulated specific histories, cosmologies, and some of the basic philosophical principles that would influence the movement. It experienced a revival as a result of the work of individuals such as Alice Bailey and organizations such as the Theosophical Society. It gained further momentum in the 1960s, taking influence from metaphysics, perennial philosophy, self-help psychology, and the various Indian gurus who visited the West during that decade.In the 1970s, it developed a social and political component.
The New Age movement includes elements of older spiritual and religious traditions ranging from Monotheism through Pantheism, Pandeism, Panentheism, and Polytheism combined with Science and Gaia philosophy; particularly Archaeoastronomy, Astronomy, Ecology, Environmentalism, the Gaia hypothesis, UFO religions, Psychology, and Physics.
New Age practices and philosophies sometimes draw inspiration from major world religions: Buddhism, Taoism, Chinese folk religion, Christianity, Hinduism, Sufi Islam, Judaism (especially Kabbalah), Sikhism; with strong influences from East Asian religions, Esotericism, Gnosticism, Hermeticism, Idealism, Neopaganism, New Thought, Spiritualism, Theosophy, Universalism, and Wisdom tradition.(Source Wikipedia)

Elites involvement in the New Age and the Influence of the New Age

New Age Magazine.

Most people don’t know that the magazine of the Freemasons was called the new age. The New Age Magazine was “the official organ of the Supreme Council 33°, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Southern Jurisdiction.” The magazine was inaugurated in 1904 and still continues today. In 1990, however, the title of the publication was changed to the Scottish Rite Journal—probably in an effort to distance themselves from being identified with the New Age. In the new age magazine in the 1950’s the Freemasons openly wrote about how they themselves are going to usher in the New Age Movement.(Source conspiracy Archive)

The plan to bring in a new world religion goes as back as to the 1870’s when elite front men and leading spiritual figures of the time such as Helena Blavatsky and Henry Olcott formed organizations such as the Theosophical society.

H.P Blavatsky

Mother of the new age : Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891) was the founder of Theosophy and the Theosophical Society. Blavatsky in 1873 emigrated to the New York City. Impressing people with her professed psychic abilities, she was spurred on to continue her mediumship. Mediumship (among other psychical and spiritual sciences of the time), based upon the belief known as Spiritualism which began at Rochester, NY, was a widely popular and fast-spreading field upon which Blavatsky based her career.
Throughout her career she claimed to have demonstrated physical and mental psychic feats which included levitation, clairvoyance, out-of-body projection, telepathy, and clairaudience. Another claim of hers was materialization, that is, producing physical objects out of nothing, though in general, her interests were more in the area of ‘theory’ and ‘laws’ rather than demonstration.
In 1874 at the farm of the Eddy Brothers, Helena met Henry Steel Olcott, a lawyer, agricultural expert, and journalist who covered the Spiritualist phenomenon. Soon they were working together in the “Lamasery” (alternate spelling: “Lamastery”) where her book Isis Unveiled was written. Blavatsky wrote extensively on the doctrines of the coming NEW AGE.

The books written by Madame Blavatsky included:
Isis unveiled.
From the Caves and Jungles of Hindostan.
The secret doctrine.
The voice of the silence.
The key to theosophy.
Nightmare tales.
Western esoteric masters series.

Alice Bailey

Blavatsky wasn’t alone other elite frontmen and spiritual leaders of the time like Alice Bailey, Benjamin Creme, Annie Besant and many more wrote about the teachings and principles of the coming New Age. Laying the foundation of this movement that took over the western world in the 1960’s.

UN New Age Meditation room

UN is a great promoter and sponsors  the New Age Movement. (read here)

In modern times The New Age Movement consists of an incredibly huge and well organized network consisting of thousands of groups, trusts, foundations, clubs, lodges, and religious groups whose goal and purpose is to prepare the world to enter the coming “Age Of Aquarius.” A small sampling of only a few of the organizations involved would include: Amnesty International, Zero Population Growth, California New Age Caucus, New World Alliance, World Goodwill, The Church Universal and Triumphant, The Theosophical Society, the Forum, Planetary Initiative for the World We Choose, the Club of Rome, Church Universal & Triumphant, Christian Science, and the Unity School of Christianity. This list, by no means all inclusive, demonstrates the diversity of organizations operating in economic, political, and religious spheres of influence.,The New Age movement is not a unified, traditional cult system of beliefs and practices, even though its roots derive from Eastern religions and the occult. It has no official leader, headquarters, nor membership list, but instead is a network of groups working toward specific goals. One of its main goals is to bring to the forefront a one-world leader who is called “The Christ” or “Maitreya.” Nevertheless, it is estimated that there are millions of worldwide followers of various New Age practices and/or holders of one or more of the major beliefs of the New Age. The NAM has gained significant influence, affecting almost every area of the culture — sociology, psychology, medicine, the government, ecology, science, arts, education, the business community, the media, entertainment, sports, and even the church. The movement expresses itself in widely divergent and various mutated forms, from the blatantly obvious to the subtle. It is expressed in organized religious forms such as Christian Science, Unity, and even forms of Witchcraft. Yet, it shows up in secular forms as well, in various human potential seminars, and much in between, i.e., transcendental meditation, some alternative holistic health practices, and certain curriculum in public (and private) schools.

The book Networking lists over 1,200 organizations, centers, cooperatives, groups, communities, and networks in fields ranging from health care and spiritual growth, through politics, economics, and ecology, to education, communications, personal growth, and intercultural relations. There is hardly any area of human interest that does not have some people somewhere exploring it from a New Age point of view. Due to the lack of a central organization and the diversity of emphasis adhered to by the various New Age groups, there are literally hundreds of publications. Some popular publications and journals are New Age Journal, Body Mind Spirit, Yoga Journal, Gnosis, East West, Noetic Sciences, and Omega.

The major goal of the New Age Movement is to bring peace to the world upon entering the Age of Aquarius. This will be accomplished primarily through the leadership of “the Christ” (also known as “Lord Maitreya”), who will supposedly come to teach us to live at peace with each other. Some of the other stated goals of the movement are to establish a World Food Authority, World Water Authority, World Economic Order, and an entirely New World Order. (Source Rapidnet)

New Ager Oprah Winfrey

The New age movement has infiltrated all areas of our lives.

So many movies like Star Wars, Space Odyssey 2001, matrix, avatar are based on the new age teachings. New age practices like yoga and new age psychology courses have become the part and parcel of the lives of millions of people. New Age teachings have been added into the curriculum in schools. T.V show hosts and charlatans like Oprah Winfrey promote and hoodwink her fans into following the New Age, for more on Oprah’s New Age (Read here )

Some New Age Beliefs and Practices.

  • Monism : Everything is basically one or a different form of the one thing.
  • Pantheism : Nature worship.
  • Reincarnation : The cycle of birth and rebirth until on reaches the stage of samadhi (liberation).
  • Karma : Your deeds are going to come back to you.

Astral Projection.

  • Occult Practices : like Astrology, Channeling, Divination, Astral projection, Pineal gland activation.
  • Yoga , Meditation, Expansion of consciousness : Reaching higher and altered levels and states of consciousness.
  • Paradigm Shift : The replacement of traditional worldviews with the new age one.
  • An Impersonal God : God ain’t something different from the universe but part of the universe, like the force of star wars.
  • Positive thinking : never looking at the negative aspects of anything.
  • Evolution of man into Godhood : Belief that one can become God.
  • Moral relativism : There is no such things as Good and Evil.
  • Vegetarianism : Never eating any kind of meat.
  • Matter is an Illusion : Matter does not exist, it’s a maya or illusion.
  • Pacifism : Being Anti war and non violent.
  • Individuality doesn’t exist : I is an illusion.
  • Syncretism : All religions are different paths to one God.

End of all Organized Religion

The new age agenda is in full swing and is being embraced by so many people, organized religion (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) is envisioned to come to an end in the form we know them. True, orthodox organized religion have no place in the elite’s system. The teachings of the new age will be infused and mixed with the teachings of organized religion. Organized religion are a social, political and economic barrier in the plans of the elite. The churches have already being infiltrated by the new agers and are promoting the new age version of Christianity. Massive ideological attacks on organized religion have become rampant. Various new religious sects like Jehovah’s witness setup by Freemason Charles Taze Russell and Mormons setup by Freemason Joseph Smith have being created for further subversion.

7 thoughts on “The New World Religion for the New World Order

  1. The Great Reset, the House-of-One, the Planet Lockdown video: There’s more to this conspiracy theory than meets the eye. There is a big picture. Let’s not get lost in the details. The big boys have a plan–a 500 year plan: 1776+500=2276CE. And the midpoint of their plan is just 5 years away in 2026, the year the USA celebrates 250 years of sovereignty. (Will they reach their goals?). The online book 2276CE: The Future is Calling (2020) outlines The Plan. That is, The Plan will abrogate the future of the whole world! We are simply living in the midst of its unfolding.

  2. I think many aspects of the New World Order are actually reasonable and inspiring. However, any ideology brought on by force is tragically misled.

    Organized religion (Catholicism, Islam, Judaism, etc.) is dangerous precisely because history has shown individuals or small groups of people have been able to become leaders of these groups (Pope), using the followers for their own devious means.

    I condone a New World Order, but not the current one being PUSHED on the people. America, although flawed, was a start in the right direction. America is based on freedom, tolerance, and transparency. The New World was being made already here in America yet the oppressors thought they knew what was best for us and put a wedge in the liberation machine.

    Truth will bring about a New World. People learn and flock to the truth. Truth is not forced on others as it will only bring about more chaos. But the NWO leaders (who are not Satanists, but are misguided) want to bring about their truth through lies and oppression – how unfortunate and tragic. They could be helping the world right now, feeding the world truth and peace, but they want to do it through their “chaos brings order” philosophy.

    Yet if this New Age of theirs arrives (and it won’t because humanity and nature won’t allow our free-will to be imposed upon) they plan to ‘liberate’ humanity by forcing micro-chips into their bodies. If you speak or even think in a way slightly off the established line they’ll just release a little cyanide in the chip and kill you. Through the chips none of our thoughts will be private any longer. Individualism (a beautiful part of this world) will cease. The Borg age will have arrived and all will be assimilated. But look at the bright side, there will be no more old organized religion – just their New Age organized religion.

    We don’t need either the old religions or their new one. Nature will show us the true path. Together, all individuals make up God. That’s what I believe. We are empowered souls with unlimited potential. Fearing one god and expecting that he will punish and distribute justice to the evil only dis-empowers us all because then we look for God to do everything for us. It’s the human spirit we should be seeking help from. We, and only we, can make a difference. Together we can change the world and distribute justice. No one entity or super-hero is going to save the world. Together, WE must save the world and bring about a New World Order based on truth, justice, and love. Seeking the truth peacefully will lead us all into the true New Age.

    1. Wow, you’re almost as crazy as the New Agers are and very naive. The NWO absolutely is Satanic as they come. Just because we recognize God as the ultimate authority doesn’t mean that we should stand by and not try to help others or make the world a better place. In fact, we are commanded by God to do the exact opposite. Yes, we can make a difference but we get our strength from God, esp. when things become too much for us. This world is crumbling, exactly as the Bible predicted and the one wold govt and religion are coming and it won’t be the kumbaya picnic that you wish it was. It will be the beginning of the end of this world and of Satan and his reign on earth. If you truly seek the truth, it will lead you to God. Evolution is a myth. Life could never ever create itself.

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